Saturday, July 21, 2007

the world outside my little island

I can't believe it's only been 3 weeks since i left Reunion - it feels like forever, and it feels like i should have updated a long time ago. I'm sorry.

Part of what happened is that i wanted to wait til the end of my stay in Dubai to write about my impressions of the place; i guess i was hoping that something would happen to surprise me, to change the way i felt about it. Staying with my cousin Gopal, his wife Kaveri, and their two absolutely adorable baby daughters, Rewa and Nysa, was, of course, wonderful. Playing with the girls was a ton of fun, and 5 months after my visit to India and my parents' visit to Reunion, it was a huge comfort to be back with family again.

But as for Dubai itself...well, maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I told people that i was expecting the city to be like a giant shopping mall with mosques, and that's pretty much exactly what i found. A plastic, consumerist desert, that was to my mind far more lifeless and threatening than the real desert outside of the city. The spectacle of this unthinking energy and water devouring beast, complete with an indoor four-storey ski slope, in this era where it is becoming increasingly clear that our civilization cannot sustain itself much longer without serious steps towards energy conservation, was almost unbearable. I kept telling myself that i should be pleased to see so many different people from all over the world interacting in such harmony, but then i realized how rare it was to see someone smile. Despite the fact that i abhore violence and intolerance, i found myself confirming the message of the authors of most utopian fiction - there are some prices that are too high to pay for peace.

So while i was very sad to leave Kaveri and the girls, it was a huge relief to leave Dubai for Paris, which despite the July tourist takeover, was as unique, beautiful, and eternal as ever. Spent a wonderful weekend with Angie and Nick and Johnny, walking all over the city. It was also amazing to be with friends from home in the first time in 9 months - i've missed everyone so much! Oh, and by the way, we were there for the first day of the new bicycles, and i think they're the best idea ever, and that every city should institute them immediately. Johnny and i spent our last night just sitting around in sidewalk brasseries around Montmartre, and it was so cool to watch all the people riding by on the bikes.

And so now i'm back in the States. No culture shock really, i think passing through Dubai on the way home took care of that for me. And since i'm right back to summer with my family, it's almost as though i never left. Back to chatting with my mom, jogging with my dad, talking about books and movies with Chloe, watching Cole's good to be home.

A few little things before i end this. First of all, Yahoo is getting rid of their photo site, so in an effort to find out which i prefer, i've transferred all my old photos to flickr, but am uploading new ones to picasa. Some of the dubai photos are already up there. Unfotunately, i seem to have left my camera cord in Dubai, so it may be a while before the rest of the Dubai photos or the Paris pics make it up. Maybe Angie will get some of her Paris pics up soon - she had the best (read: most incriminating) on her camera anyway.

And finally, because i promised that this blog would be political, here are a couple of little items to think about:
- I don't normally like Paul Krugman, but i think he and Robin Wells give a pretty good explanation of the state of health care in the US here.
- And, are you, like me, looking for simple things you can do to save the earth? Step away from the Aquafina bottle! This article was sent to me while i was in Dubai, where one doesn't drink the tap water, and just added to the complex that i was developing there.

I'm getting my new lap top today!

love y'all