Tuesday, September 18, 2007

best news day ever

TimesSelect is going away! so now we can go back to reading Maureen Dowd's inane rambling and Krugman's psuedo-economics and Friedman and oh lord David Brooks and...this is just getting depressing. Bring back TimesSelect!

Alan Keyes is running for president again! Just when you thought it was safe to come out of your house...

oh, and, if you're on the terror watch list, you may have trouble flying, but don't worry, you can still buy a gun! well, actually, not as of today. but good lord.

love y'all

Friday, September 14, 2007

new wednesday afternoon ritual

my section, being awesome, has wednesday afternoons off. So here's the plan for as long as the weather holds:

cut through washington square park to broadway.
walk up to union square.
stop briefly at the cheap book carts outside of the strand.
union square greenmarket.
trader joe's.
nyu shuttle home.
no sunglasses.
no iPod.
smile all the way.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

just when you thought the story couldn't get any better...

Larry Craig considers un-resigning, retains Michael Vick's lawyer!!

my favourite part of this article? The human-interest ending.

yeah i know i know...not a real update. here:
1)road trip was awesome
2)i love living in new york
3)law school is scary...but also super-cool

if you need more details, well, my pics on picasa tell a pretty good story, and you can always send me an e-mail! or call! or send me a letter!

love y'all